Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Pigeon in Manchester City Centre

8 February 2012:
It was a wednesday morning and i got a whatapps message from Georgina telling me about the pretty looking sky. Looking through my window and yes i saw the really pretty sky which look different from any other days. I get changed and went out with my camera to take some shot.

I can't really take a decent shot as the buildings and cars are disturbing. So i went all the way to city centre and trying my luck but still. The blue and white strip sky kind of fading as the sun started to rise.

So yeah, i ended up meeting my "friends" in the city centre. Ya, those pigeons... =) i stood in the cold trying to get some flying shots. I was so reluctant to go till my fingers started to show the weird signs again. swollen red and expanded.

Here are some pictures of the day. Hope you like it =)
I really like this pictures as if it is telling a story. so i submitted to canon malaysia for the love contest and i am happy that i got shortlisted.
not really a good shot, but i want to show you guys how many "friends" i have in the city
Some nice old man came and fed them so they all flew to that corner

"i am sleeping man, don't disturb me"
I believe i can fly
You look to the left, i look to the right. fair enough. Hhmpps!
live up high
I really like this shot. walking towards me as if i am their food
Landed in action
i can't even see, its covering my sight.
Hmm, i have the eagle catching prey pose
wait for me, i want some food too
so lovely
peace out =)

"Birds are a miracle because they prove to us there is a finer, simpler state of being which we may strive to attain" -Doug Coupland

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Imperial war museum, Manchester

4 february 2012:
A saturday outing with the girls. 
Destination: Imperial War Museum in Media City
We took the express bus 50 from picadilly garden to old trafford stadium( yesh, the manchester united stadium) and walked from old trafford to media city.
We were really excited about the " first snow" in manchester. There isn't any heavy snow for the past two months and the last time we had snow was a year ago. 
Everyone wanted snowballs fight badly. 
Finally, we had it today and really enjoyed the 9 hours out of house moments.
I am really exhausted. shall let my pictures and video tell you what we been through and what we did this morning then.

Hope you guys love it and enjoy! =) night!

snow started to fall

taking picture of myself with timer

i love this picture a lot, sadly i am not inside.

The odd one out

again and again

lovely picture

imperial war museum

world war II

great lighting

1017- my birthday




hide and seek picture 1

hide and seek picture 2

eternity love

trafford centre-one of the largest shopping mall in UK

city centre-manchester

Hope you enjoy watching the video! =)

Friday, 3 February 2012

Kina Grannis in Manchester 2012

To Kina Grannis:

Being a loyal you tube fan of Kina Grannis from other side of the way , i have been dreaming of meeting her in person. Last year, she came to UK. But its not Manchester, its only London shame to me that i couldn't drop by.
End of last year i was on cloud 9 when the news about her coming over to Manchester early feb 2012 made me super excited. Bought the ticket on the day it released =)

and yes, its TODAY!!! that i met Kina Grannis in person in Academy. She is so pretty! =P
* no wonder kevjumba chose her as girlfriend in the nice guys video-kevjumba my another you tube obsession*

stood under the cold queueing to enter to meet kina grannis just for an hour is really worth the wait.

Here i complied pictures i took into a video.

Share it out guys. Hope Kina Grannis see it and liked my video and blogspot.


P/S: anyone who wants the pictures please email me at minzhi17@hotmail.com Thanks =) 
