Wednesday, 17 October 2012

I am 22

Its a day in life where i ain't not looking forward to every year, i am "shy" in a way that i don't celebrate my birthday with friends. 

I can't even remember that my parents ever throw me a birthday party before in my 22 years life.
for the past 5 years, i have been studying away from home. So, there isn't any celebration with family.

Its even sadder cause i have my own dream birthday party, dream birthday cake which i know nobody is going to get me one or throw me party. Too old for a celebration since i missed the one at sweet 16, sexy 18 and the one at 21. 

Now, i will just need to plan one of my dream birthday party if i ever got a daughter.

Thankful enough that parents are very supportive mentally or materially.
I am the eldest in the family and dad only got two of us( brother and i).
basically, whatever i want in life i always get it even though i need to go through all the hard time(lecture) before the stuff i wanted reach me.

Thank God for every wonderful day in life. 
I enjoyed and love my times in manchester. 

i got the best summer.
was home and attended the 3 days rainforest world music festival as media, went to sg for a night just for the NDP, 10 days in australia to meet all my friends and brother, got my dream dslr at last, back in manchester for football season 2012/2013, travelled around ireland...and more and more awesome stuff yet to come.


Cindy xx

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Manchester United Vs Fulham 2012/2013

Manchester United Vs Fulham 

the day i anticipated since the last game of last season against swansea.
26 August where the first home game of the season kick off.

Am a south stand season pass holder this year ( yay =)) I am back in Manchester 1 and a half month before my term started just to go football ground.
Since its my final year, i won't have much time to go to the training ground during term time so at least i get to go there before the term. Carrington is too far away from where i am staying ( an hour bus, 30 minutes walking time into carrington training ground).
A lot of dedication needed to do that seriously.( wake up at 5 am, take the bus at 6 am. arrived at 7am. and walked in to the ground. waiting and waiting for the footballers outside the ground and i seriously got no idea who is going to stop on that particular days. it all depends on luck.)

I really get upset and disappointed if i don't get anyone to stop. I have been down all the time and doing the same thing all the time which is to take a picture and get the picture i took previously with them signed. repeating the same thing all the time(boring i know), i guess some footballers get fed up with it and seeing me all the time. 

But it really brightened up your day when someone actually stopped for you. the self satisfaction and i get all excited when the footballer pulled over and gave a smile on the camera. 

So here comes the first day of the season at the home ground - OLD TRAFFORD

Gary pallister 

darren fletcher is back =)

david de gea's girlfriend. She is very pretty!!

scholesy's son

rafael's family

rafael's daughter

that is alex butter twin brother

warming up before the game

the two goalie of united

fred the red

guess who is in today? USAIN BOLT!!!

One of my best picture for the game =)

look at the amazing crowd!!

that's when ddg pulling a trick ! =P 

look at rooney's grin

youngy! =)

bad news:..rooney got a deep gash on his thigh!

I turned from the football idiot to a football crazy these days. I even attend reserved game at altrinham fc. ( taking the tram and walking in the ground alone all the time, the worst part is walking from altrinham fc back to the tram station alone is really scary at night)

Now, the only person that never stopped for me is rooney which i know he will never still. Hopefully, one day i will get him to post for the camera =)

Happy 22nd birthday to me in advance =)
just one more week to go and i am old once again.
I never like any celebration cause i am a shy person.
5 years in a row away from home, got no big 18 or 21st birthday celebration like what normally others have.
It will be another quiet year again this year!
(tbh, i have my own imaginary celebration)

Hope you like the pictures =) 
( all pictures are copyrighted. Thanks a lot)

