L I F E ,
My own definition will be:
Let's start with Love. Love can be categorised into families love, friends' love or relationship in love.
The person closest to me since the day i was born is my Maternal Grandmother.
Both mum and dad are workaholics so i only get to see them during the weekends when i was young.
Grandmother showered me with all the cares and loves that no other people could give it to me. Even though sometimes she scold us, i know its for our own good.
Till today, she is still my best friend, best granny and best listener. I called her every single day from Manchester.
I can proudly announce to the world that i am her best grandchildren as well.
Friends' Love,
I am lucky enough to meet a bunch of friends' from my ex secondary school. We still keep in touch all the times despite the distance. Distance isn't a matter because there isn't any boundaries between love. Constantly received text and called from friend's who are 10000km away make me feel blessed for having such friends.
I am a failure in relationship. I don't believe love in first sight. Its the time that you spent together counts. All i can say is i have a few crush but i only got into one relationship before. It has been awhile and now i lost faith in love. I am happy with my single life now. Please never convinced me Long Distance Relationship works cause it will NEVER EVER work no matter how near both of you are in a LDR , its a failure relationship. Sorry to say that but i strongly believe.
Why i said life is infinity?
I know where is the starting point of my life but i can never predict where when and how is the ending of my life. That's why my life in an infinity.
Being a 21 years old girl, i don't know when will my heart stop beating or my brain stop working. I do what i want to do without bothering what others' said. As long as i am happy, i do it. That's how you should treat your life as.
You don't live for others, but you live for yourself.
You are your own source of happiness.
I am a bad cook or probably the worst 21 years old girl who failed in cooking. Grandma brought us up in a way that she took care of everything and doesn't allow us to enter the kitchen. Its not because she doesn't want to teach us cooking but she wants to do things fast and doesn't want us to disturb her. I started cooking my first fried egg when i went to college. I can't even crack an egg. What a failure of life.
After i went to University, i started learning to cook my own spaghetti. I rate my own spaghetti 7/10 ! =)
My potion of food as a girl is a lot compared to others. Sometimes i think i eat more than a man. I don't really care of my body weight.
I am quite an emotional girl if you know me well. I get excited over anything like i got touched when we all threw a surprise birthday party for a friend and she was so surprised that she cried. I cried before she started crying. I saw my friend walked into the wedding hall, the song started playing and my tears starting flowing as well. I cried 14 hours on the plane when i left home back to Manchester. This scared the shit out of the english guy next to me. After that i cried for weeks. I cried from small little things to big things. I am touched easily. Normally i like to act strong in front of friends. I am like the big sister who take care of others. Whenever i got problem i don't normally share with others as the saying goes trust no one but yourself.
My voice is loud as thunder, probably that's the way i am brought up with. Oh well, i think i scared a lot of friends away by speaking loudly. My mum speak softly and very lady-like but i am totally opposite. I can be very Man in time and my brother can be the girl in the family. My brother respect me a lot though in times we fight and quarrel but he still think i am the most daring sister.
After all, I can declare myself as the bravest and most daring person of my age.
I have a very strong will, once i decided what i want to do.
I will definitely achieve my own goal. I don't care what others think of me, i do it because i know that's the only time i can do it. If i tell myself fine and convince myself i will do it next time. I know i will not have a second chance anymore. My dad is a businessman, probably i got the influence as well. I can really bargain and i am always the winner when come to buying/shopping cause i count a lot. I am worst than aunties who go to the market to buy vege!
The reason i always do what i want to do is when i grow old and look back to the past, i can tell my children and my grandchildren how great my life was and all the brave moment of their mum/grandma.
I always take pictures whenever i go is also another way i get to keep all my memories. Whenever i grow old, i get to look back at those pictures and start telling my stories with others.
" Pictures speak a thousand words"
You shape your own life , the decision you make can change your whole life.
Do it now before its too late
(spread the word, do it now!!)
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